Saturday, September 6, 2014

All Grows Up

Super Quinn off to the store to do some power shopping while Emma is at school.

One day she went into her room, closed the door and it was a little quiet, this is what we found.

Girls best friend.  Quinn is up ahead on her bike.

Quinn knows how to take selfies now.

We went countertop shopping.  They asked if they could sit down, guess it is kind of boring.

Ice cream cones and swings.  Yep.

Labor Day watermelon.

Emmas first sunflower success from seed.  There was another one that was larger, but she bent it over to smell it and snapped it off.  Oops.

Happy Gardener.

Dancing with it.

Brought home a kite we were going to throw out at work.  Some tape and string and we have had hours of fun.

I don't know what happened to her arm and leg in this pic, but she is happy!

Joining in the fun. 

Quinn taking more selfies.

and more...

Someone else had to join in.

Pretty boy.

Quite the stylish kid.

Took the kite to open space.  If you click the picture it will get larger.