Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fall in SD

So this was Emma and Quinn when I got out of the shower a few weeks ago.  Emma said they were ice skating and the socks on their hands were mittens.  Note it is 7am.

Pomegranate tree in our neighborhood. 

One of the REIs I work is in a mall with cool fun kid stuff.  I took Emma & Quinn to the kids water feature when it was 90 last week. 

 Quinn was a little shy at first but once big sister ran through it was all good.

Finally the whole place to herself.

We went to visit my friend Erin in LA and her two kids.  Emma got a new book and held it the whole way home. 

Painting in the backyard.

Aunt Deb made Quinny a new beautiful dress.

The card Emma made George for his birthday.
Buster finding the most comfy place to sleep?????

First day for Quinn on the bike at the park.

Big sister looking on and looking too grown up!

Hot swing after a bike ride.

Noah's birthday was fun for Quinn too, her and Max took turns playing in the box.

It's finally passion fruit season at Grandma and Papas!!  Quinn had about 12 of them.

All dressed up for daddys birthday.

Look what I found!

Didn't last long!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Pasta and Sunsets

Quinn looking for Busterdog swimming.

 That is Buster in the distance.

Got it.


Beautiful San Diego sunset from the grandparents porch.

Emmas version of herself she did at school (and signed her name).

We made our own pasta for the first time.  It was fun.

She wanted me to get a close up.

Time to stir.

Since we don't have a pasta roller and had to get George to roll it out with the rolling pin to get it thin. Turned out great!

Too cute.

Minnie getting a snuggle in.

Its been pretty hot here again so painting is done in the buff around here.

Visited the Natural History Museum this week and they had Violet the California Boa snake out for a visit.  Emma went right up to it.

Daddy held the heavy Gopher snake.

Quinn wanted a turn after Emma but got a little "squeezy" and Violet needed to be saved. 

Emma doing all she can to hold up the Gopher snake.  He was heavy and twisty!