Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Oh My Goodness...

Quinn in pigtails.

A hummingbird has made a little nest on our shed in our side yard.  We think she is going to have babies because she sticks pretty close to the nest at all times.

Emma building towers at the Childrens Museum.

And it fell.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Trash Day

Emma and I went to a River Clean Up project today.  She was pretty excited about picking up garbage.

 The best part was getting to use these trash pickers.  She has pretty good fine motor skills!  No candy wrapper or cigarette butt was getting by her.

We came home and rewarded Quinn with some swinging since she didnt get to go.  I'm flying........

Oh love the sun and a breeze.

First time she has kept pigtails in.  Adios.

I said, look my way Quinn and she said "cheeeeese".  Must have learned that from Emma.

Going down the slide.

Buster enjoying a nice cup of tea.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Princess Party

Happy Birthday Lola.  Emma's first birthday party was a Princess Party. Lots of dress up and tiara decorating.  Also a face painter.  And Emma was pretty excited about the chocolate covered marshmellows with sprinkles.

Lola is telling Emma to look at the camera.  Never got a good one of both of them.

 In front of the castle cake.  This mom was pretty creative with the decorating too.  Ribbons tied to a string for the table decorations.

Someone else likes chocolate covered marshmellows.

Emma getting her face painted.  A princess mask (dont ask me).

Finished product with the tiara she decorated!
Happy Birthday Lola.

Grandpa Kenny and Grandma Sandy visited.  Not good about taking pictures, but here is one of Grandpa and Emma at the Botanical Garden.

Lots of beautiful orchids, but not so much of smiles.

A couple weeks ago we saw a 3D movie about bugs at the Natural History Museum.  We left about halfway through the 22 minute movie.  Too scary when the preying mantis bit the head off of her mate.

Answering phones and checking emails at REI.