Thursday, September 6, 2012


 This isnt at the zoo, but we've been coloring a lot more since someone is in a cast.  Quinn likes to just put the crayons back into the box instead of coloring.

 Making a picture for her cousin Ava.

 Went to the Zoo yesterday, this spider made of palm fronds is Emmas favorite and we had to come by and see it again on the way out.

 California Condor, he was checking Emma out and yes he was bigger than her.

 Cant even tell there is glass between them!

 Small playground near the elephants.
 At the polar bear spot you can crawl through an iceberg and pop your head up like a seal.

One of the pandas hanging out eating. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Red Cast

 Emma had to get a new cast because there was too much room in her old one.  She picked the color red this time.  She asked to wear her dinosaur shirt to school because she wanted to make all the kids happy.

 Her childrens Orthopedic office is next door to a Ronald McDonald house.  She was fasinated by him and wanted me to take her picture with him.

 Pig pen.

 It still has been pretty warm here.  This is in our frontyard, also known as the popsicle eating area.