Saturday, August 25, 2012

New Childrens Museum

 We checked out a new childrens museum cast and all this week.  They had a huge chalk board.

 Emma said this was a drawing of her family.  Quinn, Emma, Mama, and Dada.

 They had an outdoor section.  The theme is trash, so you could paint this car.  My guess was the color the day before was yellow.  We got there right when they opened.

 I asked her to smile, this is what I get.

 Drum section. 

 Quinn gettting a hang of it.

The cast has not slowed her down.  She climbed these tires (remember trash theme) and was rewarded by going down via a slide. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Broken Arm, but not Broken Dreams

 Emma got a sling and xrays, here she is waiting to hear if it is broken or not.  She was coloring and goofing around making friends with everyone in the waiting room.

 Pink cast!

 After ER ice cream cone.

 Max and Emma hanging out.  Emma is snuggling in and Max didnt seem to mind too much.

 Watch out for crack around here.  Quinn is getting to her want to be naked stage and keeps tugging at her diaper and shorts.

 Max and Noah helping Grandma Barb light the candles for Grandpas birthday cake.

 Quinn testing out the Emmas big girl carseat.  She is still a little small for this one.

 A couple weekends ago our small neighborhood had a Clairemont Family Fun Day.  Emma got to go on the elephant ride and dragon ride.  Made it by about 1/4 inch.

watch out Quinn has learned how to climb.  Here she is stealing Emmas juice box.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Heat Wave

 It has been pretty hot here for San Diego.  No AC in our place so lots of days hanging out in our undies in the yard.  (mostly just Emma and Quinn)

 Our little pigpen going to work.

 This is Karen the Orangetan saying hi to Emma.

 140 year old Galapagos turtle.

 Jamaica Me Crazy, or is that just my hair?

 Quinn would get the gold for the Olympic tooth brushing event.

 Bike ride to the playground 1/2 mile down the street.

Pit stop on the way home for ice cream

 Cooling off with some frozen blueberries.

 And popsicles.  She is loving her new Tow Mater shirt too.

Sisterly love.