Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Providence Capital

We visited the capital building yesterday. Emma loved running up the stairs and dad enjoyed the views (not the stairs). Here they are taking in the sites and some extras of Grandpa and Quinn chilling out.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Grandpas Here

Grandpa Kenny is here visiting. Emma and him have been reading books and Quinn is now taking a nap on Grandpa while I update the blog. Tomorrow we hit the library and maybe the zoo.

Quinn is Three Months!!

Happy three months Quinn.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Here are some random pics of the week. Quinn is really holding her head up and enjoying being upright in her bumbo chair, even when she is getting some sisterly "love". Buster also loves the tent we bought for Emmas room. Silly dog.

Where's My Blackberry?

Fow Show

Emma has been loving her Elmo hat that Grandma Sandy got for her birthday. Here is a great before and after picture as we are out and about for errands. Hard to wake her up when she looks like this!

Monday, June 13, 2011


The lioness after her kill of frozen blueberries.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Naked Chef

Emma loves helping in the kitchen so much that she couldn't wait to get her pants on to help George wash dishes or what she refers to as "bubbles". She is talking so much these days and putting all kinds of words together. New this week is "I want juice" and "Goodnight Mama, Goodnight Dada, Goodnight Wah(what she calls Quinn)". "What's this" is also a new one that seems to be repetitive. And "is that mama?" or "where go dog?". She still calls Buster dog, not Buster but it sounds like god the way she says it so we have had fun with that one too. Buster seems to like being god around here so it fits. We also had a crazy ant pileup out on our sidewalk. The picture really doesnt do it justice. They disappeared about an hour later so now everytime (EVERYTIME) we walk into the house Emma puts her arms up and says, "where go??" and squats down to look for them. Pretty cute. I am back to work and George is hanging in being back to fulltime dad.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


June is here and we have new visitors, Grandma and Grandpa Repine are here. We have been visiting parks and enjoying the 70 degree weather without humidity. Quinn is holding her head up really good these days and still eating like crazy.