Saturday, October 23, 2010

Our Little Pumpkin

We decided to get the pumpkin carved today. Emma was great at reaching in and helping clean it out and sort the seeds.....then she figured out it might be food. Not so tasty though! (George did the drawing on the pumpkin)
Happy Halloween!!!!!!

Lazy Saturday

Here we are watching some Saturday football on a rare Saturday off. Emma also figured out how to get up on the dining room table so we are eliminating more furniture from our already small assortment! Who can blame her there was popcorn there for the taking!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


We recently went to Boston for the day to visit with Uncle Bruce. Somehow we didnt get any pictures with Bruce, so here is Emma on the steps of Bunker Hill (or Breed's Hill for you history buffs). Also some random pics of bathtime and what was waiting for me when I came home today.